Note from 2014 President Steve Monez
I thank you for allowing me to serve you as your president. This has been a very rewarding time.   Allowing me to march in your parades and carry the flags of this great country have made me so proud. I can’t express the emotion I have felt in words as we march past the crowds and people stand and salute our flags and cheer. They are cheering for
our country and they know we live in a wonderful land of the free. You and I, we are the lucky ones and have so much to be thankful for.

Honoring our World War II Veterans and having them as our guests and hearing them speak about their experiences, again, we can only thank them for their service and letting them know how important they are to us. We can never give them enough gratitude for the sacrifices they have made for us. When you pass a veteran on the street make sure to
thank them for their service no matter which branch or which time they served. They all are to be honored.

I thank each and everyone of you Board members for the time you have spent making this last year so special. You  have given of yourself and come up with ideas to make this a very special Chapter. Your efforts have certainly made this chapter a huge success. Where would we be without our patriot ancestors who gave so much so we could live in a
country so great.

Merry Christmas and God Bless America Steve Monez, Past President

Past President's Messages

SAR Prescott AZ